How Do Medical Bills Get Covered In A Car Accident Lawsuit?
Video Transcript
Whether and how medical bills are covered as a result of a car wreck is uh dependent upon a multitude of factors some of my clients may be covered by an employer sponsored Health Plan other clients may not have any health insurance at all some clients may be covered uh by a State Medicaid plan or a Medicare Plan and depending upon the type or the absence of any health insurance available uh that is often times going to determine how a client’s medical bills are ultimately covered we encourage all of our clients to fully utilize their health benefits whether it’s Medicare Medicaid or Private health insurance to the extent they’re able to do so uh several of those entities may have a right to be reimbursed at the end of the claims process but the client will come out far ahead in the long run if their health benefits cover the uh medical bills related to the car wreck itself.