What sets Brown & Crouppen apart from other personal injury law firms?
Video Transcript
At Brown and Crouppen we’re not involved in the community so that we can compare ourselves to other firms in terms of what we’re doing what we do is we do what is authentic and what is in our hearts and so we get involved in organizations that are important to the people in our firm and we Empower those in our firm to seek out other opportunities for volunteer work but we also incentivize our people to participate in community events and so it’s not uncommon for us to go to a charity walk and have 50 60 people in brown and kin t-shirts on a weekend not during work hours that’s easy it’s easy to get people to go uh donate their time to charity when they’re being paid for it we Empower people to do it and do it because they want to do it and because we want to do it and because it’s important to us and because it’s important to our community so I would say that’s how we set ourselves apart by not focusing on what others are doing we focus on what feels right.