While installing road signs in Jackson, Missouri, our client experienced a sharp lower back pain that resulted in a visit to the emergency room. Remarkably, our client went months without further treatment and was unable to work and re-reported his injury. The employer’s insurance company eventually provided our client with extensive lumbar back surgery including discectomies and fusions at L4-L5 and L5-S1 in May of 2015. After the surgery, our client began suffering depression from ongoing pain and an inability to support the family. Our client also underwent extensive physical therapy and a series of injections, insertion of a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) unit, and continues with pain management and depression medication.
The employers treating physician accused the claimant of having a high degree of subjective complaints. Our client was able to obtain SSDI and Medicare while awaiting settlement.
With the help of the workers’ comp lawyers at Brown & Crouppen Law Firm, our client received a total of $538,057.66 for disability and back pain in addition to $329,891 annuity for future medical care.
If you or a loved one has suffered work-related injuries in St. Louis or surrounding areas, get help from the workers’ comp lawyers at Brown & Crouppen Law Firm. Get started with your case by calling (314) 501-9510 or requesting a free case evaluation online from our legal team.