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Nursing home abuse case length chart (2024)

How Long Do Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Cases Take?

The average length of a nursing home abuse & neglect case is 699 days (or approximately 2 years.
Chart showing the average nursing home abuse settlement amounts (2021-2024)

What Is The Average Nursing Home Abuse Settlement Amount?

The average nursing home abuse settlement amount is $236,294.96. Nursing home abuse cases often settle between $150,000 and $350,000 but can be higher or lower depending on case factors.
Missouri nursing home abuse statute of limitations

Missouri Nursing Home Abuse Statute of Limitations

In Missouri, the statute of limitations for lawsuits alleging nursing home abuse and neglect must be filed within 2 years, starting from the of the injury (or date it was discovered).
Average dog bite case length

How Long Does It Take To Settle A Dog Bite Claim?

On average, dog bite cases take 680 days (or about 2 years) to settle, but can settle in as little as 1 month or take up to 6 years - this is because each case is unique and timelines will depend on many factors.
Missouri Dog Bite Laws

Missouri Dog Bite Laws

Under Missouri law, dog owners are is liable for any injuries or damages that are caused by their dog if it bites another person while on public property or on the dog owner’s property if the victim is there lawfully.
Average dog bite settlement amount chart

What is the Average Dog Bite Settlement Amount?

The average dog bite settlement amount is $97,517.86. Dog bite cases often settle between $10,000 and $100,000 but can be higher or lower depending on case factors.
Texting and driving in Missouri

Is it Illegal to Text and Drive in Missouri?

As of August 28, 2023, Missouri drivers are prohibited from manually typing, scrolling, or holding their cellphone under the Siddens-Benning Hands-Free Law. The law allows drivers to use hands-free features, including talk-to-text, Bluetooth, or speaker functions to talk, send messages and use navigation. There are some exceptions, including emergencies. The law makes Missouri the 28th state to require hands-free use for drivers of all ages. ...
Illinois statute of limitations for car accidents

Illinois Statute of Limitations for Car Accidents

The statute of limitations for car accidents in Illinois is 2 years, meaning Illinois residents have 2 years from the date of their car accident to bring a lawsuit. This law applies to anyone involved in the accident, not just the driver, meaning passengers, pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, etc. are also subject to the two year deadline. About the Illinois Statute of Limitations for Car Accidents ...
Illinois statute of limitations for personal injury claims

Illinois Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Claims

The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Illinois is 2 years, meaning Illinois residents have 2 years from the date of their accident or injury to file a lawsuit.  The statute of limitations is a legal deadline for filing a lawsuit after a personal injury accident occurs. In the state of Illinois, the statute of limitations for most personal injury claims is two ...
Serenity memorial funeral home lawsuit

Serenity Memorial Funeral Home Lawsuit

In recent years, the funeral home industry has come under scrutiny due to several incidents involving the mishandling of bodies. One such case that has garnered attention is the incident at Serenity Memorial Funeral in St. Louis.  Funeral parlors are expected to uphold strict ethical standards when dealing with another person’s loved one, but sometimes lack of basic requirements can lead to negligence or abuse.   ...